Monday, March 19, 2007

Blah, blah, blah,... blog.

How do people do this? How do people find stuff to write about? I've been sitting here for a good ten to fifteen minutes just wracking my brain for some idea to write about. But I guess most people have some type of subject they want to rant on about.

I guess some people have an inherent need to be heard and this is a pretty decent venue. Even if there's no one who actually comes to your blog and reads what you're writing, you still get a sense of completion by going through the actions. Is it really like that movie? "If you build it, they will come." Well, I guess if it's not there,.. then "they" can't go there. Right?

Am I just ranting now? I am,... aren't I. Wow! Does that make me an accomplished blogger now? I feel so cool. Hey! I blog. Yeah! Come on,... check out my blog! B-L-O-G. Check it out. I've got a "weblog". WOOHOO! Me and my blog,... my blog and me. Okay. I guess that's enough. I got to get back to work. Ciao, fellas. Leave me some thrills!

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