Monday, March 31, 2008

You are here!

Wow, what a blast! Not sure really where I lost my way, but boy that first step was a doozy. First I get mistaken for a pirate. Then we sail to the ends of the world looking for the source of all goodies. Then,... well let's just say the trip was worth the price of admission. Just when I thought it was clear sailing home, I found myself almost meeting my maker. What a wild ride! I'm not really into that existential stuff, but that jump really made me think that there's more to this place than just delivering email. The funny thing is,... that was just the beginning of my sprawl. I wish I had the time to tell you how I learned some cool new games, how I found out what was at the end of the tunnel, show you how to lassoo a MooCow, and how I made some great new friends. Whew!

But after such a long time away,... it's just good to be home.