Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Snapshot

Hi Delgado.

I hope you don't mind. But we've been "looking in" on you from time to time and were able to take this snapshot while you were off on your swashbuckling adventure. Glad to see you made it out alright.

Monday, March 31, 2008

You are here!

Wow, what a blast! Not sure really where I lost my way, but boy that first step was a doozy. First I get mistaken for a pirate. Then we sail to the ends of the world looking for the source of all goodies. Then,... well let's just say the trip was worth the price of admission. Just when I thought it was clear sailing home, I found myself almost meeting my maker. What a wild ride! I'm not really into that existential stuff, but that jump really made me think that there's more to this place than just delivering email. The funny thing is,... that was just the beginning of my sprawl. I wish I had the time to tell you how I learned some cool new games, how I found out what was at the end of the tunnel, show you how to lassoo a MooCow, and how I made some great new friends. Whew!

But after such a long time away,... it's just good to be home.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Blah, blah, blah,... blog.

How do people do this? How do people find stuff to write about? I've been sitting here for a good ten to fifteen minutes just wracking my brain for some idea to write about. But I guess most people have some type of subject they want to rant on about.

I guess some people have an inherent need to be heard and this is a pretty decent venue. Even if there's no one who actually comes to your blog and reads what you're writing, you still get a sense of completion by going through the actions. Is it really like that movie? "If you build it, they will come." Well, I guess if it's not there,.. then "they" can't go there. Right?

Am I just ranting now? I am,... aren't I. Wow! Does that make me an accomplished blogger now? I feel so cool. Hey! I blog. Yeah! Come on,... check out my blog! B-L-O-G. Check it out. I've got a "weblog". WOOHOO! Me and my blog,... my blog and me. Okay. I guess that's enough. I got to get back to work. Ciao, fellas. Leave me some thrills!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Hey party people...

...how's it going out there? Hope to see you all very soon at Comic Con 2007!

Testing,... testing

Hey! Is this thing on? Hello? Hello! Just takin' this thing for a test drive. How do I sound? Oh! Oh, there's no sound on this thing? People just read stuff? Oh, well that should really appeal to people. Hope you had fun "READING" about what I have to say. SHEESH! How boring. Wait,... are you still reading? You must be bored. Alright,... come by next time and I'll have something else to say.